Please scroll down to see different options available to you
Thank you so much for your financial support. We could not fulfill our God-given vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it.
You can give in many different ways...
1) On Sundays. When the offering baskets are passed around.
2)Fundraising. We have set up our church to receive funds through a site called easygiving– from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for St. Mark's Church, Talbot Village. It's very straight forward to use, the idea being that as you spend money on over 4,000 shops and sites - e.g Sainsbury's, Amazon, Next, John Lewis & Argos etc, they donate a percentage of what you spend directly to your chosen cause. An example percentage is Amazon give up to 1.5% on purchases and St. Mark's Church, Talbot Village gets 100% of the amount they give. (It won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds).
All you need to do is:
1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stmarkstalbot/?utm_campaign=raise-more and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to St. Mark's Church Talbot Village at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and St. Mark's Church Talbot Village will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.
3) Regular Giving online. Fill in the form below by ticking the box on how you want to give. You can choose a one off payment, monthly or both.

4) Legacy Giving. At St Mark's Church, Talbot Village we welcome all gifts in Wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our parish.
Our aim is to use legacy gifts to help fund the ongoing mission and ministry of St. Mark's Church, Talbot Village (and St. Saviour's). This could also include significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment or staff. Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your Will for the general purposes of St. Mark's Talbot Village (and St. Saviour's) rather than for a restricted purpose. We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your Executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the church (eg, music, building, children, youth, overseas mission etc) and the church's priorities at the time. You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to you future mission and ministry.
We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way is most appropriate too. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.
If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about the sorts of purposes your gift might fund, and how you would like your gift to be acknowledged, please contact Rev. Nick Wells (via the office in the first instance) on 01202 529349 or email vicarstmarkstalbotvillage@outlook.com
If you would like to make a gift to our church in memoriam, please discuss this with us too. It can be a beautiful and appropriate way to remember a loved one.
For more information, please get in touch with us on our Contact page.