A warm welcome awaits you at St Saviour's on pretty much every day of the week!
We have First Friends pre-school meeting weekday mornings, during term-time; we host countless children's parties (with bouncy castles) on Saturday and then we celebrate our faith in Jesus each Sunday at 10am. St Saviour's serves Wallisdown and has done for 65 years - perhaps you have visited it as a polling station, or as the home to 3rd Wallisdown Brownies. One bit of good news is that St Saviour's has recently benefited from being made more accessible.
God's mission for St Saviour's is based around serving Wallisdown with a joy that faith in Jesus brings. St Saviour's is licensed for reduced fee weddings for those who qualify through a variety of connections. It also hosts funerals, memorial services and the great celebration that is baptism.
Our monthly Cuppa Church is where we enjoy each others company - with God - over the course of three hours, with newspapers, jigsaws, prayer candles and a lot of of tea and biscuits. We have a lot of fun, do feel free to simply drop by.
Our prayer is that our path may cross with yours, and that we may encounter God afresh together.