St. Mark's and St. Saviour's Church is made up of St. Mark's Church, Talbot Village and our sister church, St. Saviour's, located in Scott Road, Wallisdown. Together we are St. Mark's and St. Saviour's Church.
As part of the Church of England in the Diocese of Salisbury, our purpose is to a presence in the community - showing something of God's love for each and every person. The Diocesan Vision is to 'Make Jesus Known' and as community we try to do that by extending welcome, being alongside people in the joy and trickiness of life, celebrating births and marriages and offering care and compassion in the midst of death and grief. We do that by offering worship together on a Sunday and also by hanging out after a service having a cup of tea whilst children climb trees! We do that by eating food together at a community lunch, enjoying cuppa church once a month, celebrating communion in a local care home and by being a part of the life of our local schools. We do that by a brief chat in the churchyard or an in depth discussion at a confirmation course.
You don't need to be a really religious person to be a part of the life of St Mark's and St Saviour's. You are invited to engage in the ways which offer you connection with your own needs, connection with others and with God.