We have a regular on-going collection for our local food bank. Please bring any food donations to the church building and put it in the collection bin. This is a really practical way we can help people who are in difficulty.
FOOD COLLECTION FOR FAMILIES – Urgently needed dried and tinned food for local families in need of a helping hand, particularly, our Ukrainian friends who have recently moved to Bournemouth and Poole. Please leave donations in the food bin in the porch.
BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY – Reverend Ruth is Chaplain at Bournemouth University and has kindly been helping to lead our Sunday worship. At the university each week students from all faiths are invited and welcomed for a time of friendship and to have soup and bread together. It would be great if the church family could support Ruth by donating a tin of soup (any type) which would be much appreciated. If you can help, please leave tins in the hungry bin which is in the church porch. Thank you.

As part of a Summer Missions Project some of the children from amongst our church family visited the Kinson Foodbank where they learnt about how the foodbank operates and also got stuck in helping sort boxes and take deliveries. This relationship extended to Christmas when some of the children served at the foodbank at Tesco Kinson - manning the the food donation point. A huge well done to them...